Mr Beam Lasers UG

Company details

Company name Mr Beam Lasers UG
Company type Micro Enterprise (less than 10 employees and revenues less than 2 MEUR)
Industry sector Production Technology
Activity description

Mr Beam Lasers was founded in 2014 and is a European pioneer in the desktop laser cutters market. With an elegant and user-friendly device, the company offers an easy access to the world of digital production and personalized products for consumers, home workers, and small offices including Architects, Interior Designers and Professional Model-Builders at a modest price. The company has received substantial backing from a top venture capital firm and is on an ambitious growth track to bring its unique innovation to the mass market globally.  

Company website

Project information

Technology platform TP-1: Free-space photonic components and systems
Application domain Industry 4.0
Project scope

Development of a dedicated laser head for desktop laser cutters with increased power, optimized beam profile and autofocus while using a stock laser diode

Project leader Lien Smeesters
Project start October 2018
Project duration 9 months